Our Pastor

My name is Sunil Kasbe. I am born and brought up in a Christin family. But that was just for name’s sake. In 2003 Jesus did his marvellous work in my life. I was studying in my 12 standards that time I got many bad friends. with them I started to smoke and drink wine, one day I was drunk and I had fight with some friends they were living in my area. I bet them after that police came there; I ran away from home and went to my friend’s village. I stayed there few days, I was hiding myself from my parents and all. But one day, my mother called me and told why are you running here and there? please come home we will not do anything to you. Come home! and then I realize that my mother wants me that I should change. Then I came home and mother said please come once to church with me. why are having relation with bad people? once listen to me. and I went with her that was small church, pastor was shearing about Jesus love and that day I gave my life to Jesus Christ and never turn back.

In 2008 I graduated from SIBC Bangalore, after that I started my ministry in Aurangabad Maharashtra. I started working with youth. with 2 young people. After that many young people those who are from other background started to come, and then in June 2010 I started church ministry, in slum area in Ambedkar Nagar, Aurangabad. With one old lady that area was fully demonic area. many people were in bondages they were involved in witchcraft and idol worship.  But when we started ministry there slowly God started to move their heart, around 23 people took water baptism, now around 100 people are coming to church, and Lord is blessing ministry in Aurangabad.

And that is all how I Started My Ministry.​